Friday, July 9, 2010

The Escape - Blaise

Sophie the snake sat on her moss-covered branch in her glass case in the insect zoo and tried to sigh. She knew pythons could not sigh, but still, she tried. Why am I in a insect zoo? She wondered. Why not in a regular zoo like regular animals? It’s not fair! I mean they get a nice, spaced-out, big cage or something, While all I have is a puny, glass case. She wished she could escape. You would too if little kids tapped at the glass and stared wouldn’t you? When no one was staring at her, Sophie slithered down to her food bowl to check if there was anything to eat. Half a cricket and a mouse. Both dead hmm. She liked killing them herself. She espescally liked live crickets and grasshoppers. They were her favorite for two reason: she liked to watch them hop around until she got bored, and they taste really awesome! Anyways Sophie ate the mouse and a leg off the cricket. She slithered up to a branch underneath the red light bulb that had been placed in her cage to keep her warm. Just then, a little girl came by and Sophie stiffened, what she always did with little kids. Sophie found that staying still made the kid less interested therefore, made them stay not as long. The little girl started saying,” Mommy, mommy! Come here, quick!” A woman was walking towards her saying,” I’m coming Amanda I’m coming!” She stared into and said, “Oh that’s a nice big snake, isn’t it?” Amanda nodded and said, “That’s why I never want it to get loose, especially when I’m around!” The mom laughed. All of a sudden her older brother snuck up behind, her with a giant stuffed centipede. He put it on the shoulder that wasn’t next to their mother’s shoulder. He put it so his sister could only see the head. As you can probably guess, Sophie freaked when she saw it. She screamed, Sophie flinched, she did not like loud noises. The mother started scolding the boy, but here is the important part: when Amanda screamed Sophie barely had time to flinch and I will tell you why. When Amanda screamed, she also lunged forward, knocking over Sophie’s case. When Sophie fell, she felt sure that if snakes could gasp, Sophie would have done the biggest one ever. The glass case came tumbling to the floor and with a THUMP and shatter, the case broke. She slithered out the door that a worker was holding open for people to get out. The worker tried to run out and shut the door but Sophie was too quick for him and slithered through the door. The worker slammed the door shut. Sophie quickly slithered away and even now she still thanks Amanda. The end.

My Little Nook - Jessica

My Little Nook

I have this little place where I like to go. I call it my little nook. I can hear the birds singing merry songs, the clock tower bonging away to tell me that it is now 2:00, and a squirrel scolding me from a nearby branch. I can feel the cool pavement under me, and the sun on my back. With my hands, I can feel the grainy roughness of the pavement, and the soft, yet chunky dirt that lines it. I can see green leaves from a nearby tree waving gently above my head, and people walking by, but I don’t think that they notice me. The squirrel that was chattering at me is now zipping up to the highest limbs of the tree, seemingly eager to get away from me. My nook is so peaceful, and that is why I love it.

Four Legs are Better Than Two - Gabriella

Four Legs are Better Than Two
By Gabriella Radina

As the sun drifted through the branches Sullivan Sloth woke up lazy as usual and climbed down the tree to do his morning business. Pongo the Parrot flew by happy and singing as usual stopped for a drink on a flower by Sullivan. “Beautiful day right Sullivan?” she chirped excitedly “Right Sullivan?” she said again “Oh yah beautiful day alright.” He said irritated that Pongo had disturbed my nap during my pee. “Well I’ll be off and tell Artie the Aardvark if you see him not to eat to many ants. I’m having a party a few days and with his stomach he will be as full as an overstuffed Thanksgiving turkey. Oh and thank you in advance.” Said Pongo “Okay.” Mumbled Sullivan. As he climbed back up his tree Artie ambled by slowly while looking for something to eat. ”Don’t eat to much Artie.” Sullivan said quietly glad that he could tell Pongo that he told Artie but that Artie didn’t listen. As Sullivan looked around for another feeding branch Sally the Slug s-l-o-w-l-y c-r-a-w-l-e-d by exclaiming “Their coming their coming the big men are coming.” “Sally who is coming? No one is coming besides Mitchelle the Monkey for the party. What is going on?” I finished “Big Men with big sharp looking things are cutting down trees.” Sally said still trying to catch her breath. “So what do you think?” Sally asks me. “Well? She says, “If my calculations are right it took you 21 days to get here so the Big Men are probably gone by now but thanks for the worrying.” I say knowingly no one ever listens to me but this I’ll be right I know I will, said Sally. Sally gloomily while slimly sliding off. “Hello? Sullivan?” said Mitchelle “What?” I say slowly opening my eyes “MITCHELLE!”I say more awake and forgetting I should do my business before I pee on my visitor. THUD! THUNK! BONK! “What was that?” Mitchelle asks, “I don’t know but I’ll go out and look.” I answer back thinking I’ll pee and check at the same time. As I climb down MY tree Sally s-l-o-w-l-y slides by “what’s the racket?”
Chico the cheetah said, “The Big Men are coming and cutting down trees” says Sally knowingly and giving me an I was right and you were wrong I told you so. “We have to build something for everyone to stay and make bricks to drop on these weeds,” says Chico roaming up and down out of breath.
Later that day everyone who lived in the jungle gathered and brought sticks, hay, leaves, and food of all sorts. As we worked together to make bricks the nrrrrrr of the chain saws got louder. Finally at6:00P.M. we were ready. All the animals in the jungle tried to look as normal as possible but when everyone is carrying 1-3 bricks it’s hard to look normal. Everyone went to their trees and waited and waited and waited until finally the workers approached Sullivan’s tree as the worker pulled the chain to start the saw the animals of the forest threw bricks and mud and that was the end of people cutting down trees now if we could only convince them Four Legs are Better Than Two.

My Surroundings - Ella


I am surrounded by brick on two sides and a window, in front of me with a newspaper. A pillar was behind me and sun on one side. A bird has made his home close to me. There are two birds that I know of one perched on a little ledge and one in the nest. They are beautiful birds yellow and black with a hint of red on it’s tail. Right now it’s hiding his head under his wing. People walk to and from the building I am sitting by. I hear a bird’s song and cars going by. I also hear a leaf clattering by on the sidewalk. A clock chimes two and a cigerette lays nearby among bird droppings. A little black bug skitters by and I am starting to wonder if there are babies in the nest. The air smells musty, and the wood planks above me look red and burned. Two lights hang right above me. The sun shines forming a half circle. The bird’s song above me is so beautiful. The height from the floor to the ceiling is probably 12 feet. Three steps bring people to my level and a NO SMOKING sign hangs nearby. I noticed all of these in a few minutes and it taught me what you notice if you slow down and are aware of your surroundings.

Scotland ~ Rachel


If you could go on vacation anywhere in the world where would you go?

I would go to Scotland.

What would you do there?

I would check out all of the architecture because it’s really cool but I’ve only seen it in books.

What does it look like?

Scotland has mountains and misshapen and rugged valleys that contain water lots of vegetation grow there.

Why would you go there?

I would go there because I have family from there and I want to learn about Scottish culture.

Tell me some interesting facts about your destination?

Scotland is on the continent Europe and in the country Britain.

Queen Elizabeth is obviously the queen and she owns a lot of Cardigan and Pembroke Welsh corgis my favorite two breeds of dog.

Mrs. Robert's Rock Shop - Paige

Mrs. Robert’s Rock Shop
Courtney entered Mrs. Roberts Rock Shop with the usual ring of the customer bell. “Hi Elise. How are you?” Courtney said to the owner’s daughter. “Good,” Elise answered “Mother wants the place tidied up between sales,” “I did that yesterday!” Court whined. “This place gets messy too often,” First she put every rock in its place. Then she swept the floor. “Done,” she panted. The window fell. “More work” she whined. After she fixed the window, a customer came in. “Welcome to Mrs. Roberts’ Rock Shop. I’m Courtney and this is Elise,” Courtney said to the customer. “I know it’s my shop and I know my daughter’s name.” It was Mrs. Ella Roberts, the owner. “Elise, darling. Time to go,” “Mother, remember Sadie isn’t going to be here. I promised her I’d work her shift,” said Elise.

When Courtney got home it was nearly 6. She told her mom and dad it’s not fair that since she’s only 10 she can’t do anything. Her dad her a story that made her feel better. She went back to Mrs. Robert’s Rock Shop happy.

My Dream Vacation ~ Kelly

My Dream Vacation

I’m going on a cruise to the Bahamas. It’s sunny and relaxing. The beach would be spectacular and the sand would tickle my feet. I would sip from a coconut and lay in a hammock. The sunset over the ocean would put me to sleep with crickets chirping all around me. Too bad this vacation is only in my head. I wish it were reality.

Oreo - Jeremy

I would pick up the Oreo and savor the smell. Then I would stick a tiny bit into my mouth, and slowly nibble it away, and savoring the taste of an Oreo.

My Oreo ~ Kelly


Vanilla smell waves over me as my hand reaches toward the core of the OREO. I pick it up, it fells quite light, but the taste is that times 12. I break it in half and scoop the middle out with my tongue. Once the cream filling is gone I squish the chocolate crust together again and try to eat the rest slowly, but it’s gone before I can blink. The chocolate sticks to my teeth, but hey that’s more for later!

Oreo - Sheridan

First I would pull it apart. Then I would take out the white stuff. Then I would roll the white stuff in to a ball. Then I would eat the white stuff in one bite and then I lick it off my fingers. I would eat the brown cookie part in two bites. THE END

On the Ground ~Kelly

On the Ground

Down on the ground
I feel quite sound
With greenery all around
Church bells sound
Birds fly down
And sing all around
I may be in a town
But there’s greenery around
That’s where I’ll be found
Down, down on the ground

Rocks - Judah

This reminds me of blue Popsicles. The inside looks like treasure. It was bumpy and shiny.

This rock makes me happy. It felt like skipping across water. The top was smooth like ice.

This reminds me of grass and trees on mountains. It looked powerful like kryptonite.

Thursday, July 8, 2010


I am the molar of a mammoth. I used to be inside the mammoths mouth I am inside a glass case in Manhattan KS on the planet Earth in the Solar System in the Milky Way in the universe. Somebody found me in North America probably buried under layers and layers of dirt. I couldn’t tell because dirt kept falling in my eyes. Now, I am here for people to look at and enjoy as the person who wrote this story did. I hope you enjoy me and aren’t too disgusted by the sort of rotting teeth. I’ll see you in about never since this story is made up and can’t see. Bye.

The Molar

The Rock - Rachel

Rubies are red
Azurite is blue
Diamonds are hardest
Talc is weakest
Coal is old plant material
Gneiss is fossilized
Wood that fell to the ground
Limestone in Kansas
Can be found all around

Signed, geologist

Escape - Kelly


When I first got to my new home on this shelf I thought life would be swell. Boy was I wrong. Being a selenit rock I look way different than all the other rocks here. The first few days the other rocks said I looked weird in a good way. Now they say I look weird in a horridly bad way. Life isn’t worth living any more. But how am I going to get out of here?
One day the light above was unscrewed, shortly after someone yelled at someone else for being a dumbwit and forgetting to buy a new light bulb. This was my chance.
That night, after all the other rocks were asleep, I hopped from shelf to shelf and was careful not to wake anyone up. I squeezed through the opening and ended up on the roof. I slid down the drainpipe. I was free! I headed out to Chihauhau, Mexico like my nametag said I was from.
Once there I stumbled across my family and snuggled into my old home, my only home.
The End

The banded sandstone

I go light, dark, light
I can grow to great heights
I’m the banded sandstone
Was crushed down below
And that’s how I got so tight

If I could talk

If I could talk
I’d say quite a lot
‘Cause I sparkle and gleam prettily

I sit here all day
But that’s not the way
It was when I was made

Where I was found
Was down in the ground
And I was put in this old museum

Demi the Tree Spirit - Jessica

Demi was a spirit. A tree spirit, to be exact. She lived in a big forest called the Mythical Forest. Her best friends were a unicorn named Diamonds and a water spirit named Harmony. She had a pale green tint to her skin and wispy silver curls cascaded down her back. She wore a robe made out of cottonwood leaves, for cottonwood trees were the group of trees she represented. The leaves in her robe were stitched together with spider silk, and she wore a ribbon in her hair made out of the silk as well. She was able to run through the forest without a sound. She was tall and slender, and all of the little woodland creatures adored her. She lived in a thick old cottonwood tree deep in the heart of Mythical Forest.
The Mythical Forest was full to the brim with endless wonders. At night, little balls of light bobbed around the forest, acting as natural nightlights. During the day, the trees would bend over you if you asked for some shade. Everything worked together to make the forest a wonderful place to be.

Rocks - Sheridan

I saw a rock I picked it up and touched it and it said put me down! I said what he said I said put me down. You can talk? Yes. We became friends he lived in a jar and lived in my house. THE END

Rocks and More Rocks - Jeremy

Smoky, Smoky it looks so smoky
Hey there’s smoke billowing from that rock
It’s dark, dark gray
Wait it’s as hard as rock
I wonder what type of rock it is
Wait I think its smoky quartz

Hi call me Jaws. I have green eyes, a big green mouth. I also have very, very sharp greenish white teeth. Sadly I don’t have any feet so I have to roll around.

One day Dogtooth [a piece of calcite shaped like dog teeth] was walking down the street when he spotted a wanted sign. The reward was for 1 million dollars so he went walking around town until he saw the person who was wanted then he chased him down and asked are you wanted for stealing $100? Man police these days aren’t very bright. How would you like not to go to jail if you return it they will probably let it go this time. So they went and returned it and the wanted was forgiven.

THe Secret of the Geode ~ Elora


A deep, sparkling hole
With quartz all around
Encased in a dull-looking rock
Open it and see
Otherworldly wonders
Inside the ordinary rock
Things are not always as they seem
So look carefully
Before you assume
That the rock
Is ordinary

I'm Not That Old ~ Paige

I’m Not That Old

Courtney entered Mrs. Roberts Rock Shop with the usual ring of the customer bell. “Hi Elise. How are you?” Court (Her nickname) said to the owner’s daughter. “Good,” Elise answered “Mother wants the place tidied up between sales,” “I did that yesterday!” Court whined. “This place gets messy to often,” First she put every rock in its place. Then she swept the floor. “Done,” she panted. The window fell. “More work she whined.

Me and My Friend - Ellie

My friend spent the night at my house. Her name is Mackenzie. It was so fun. She was having a surprise party for her mom. So she invited all her friends. I got invited in then she came over to my house and spent the night. We had so much fun.

Farming - Ethan


I would like to be a cowboy because my dad is. My favorite thing is country also country music. Be able to drive a tractor. And my favorite singer is Ricky Skaggs. I would love taking horse riding lessons and live in Texas. I would own all kinds of cattle and have lots of farms, 20 acres of land, thousands of cattle, lots of money. Some long horned steers like my grandpa and grandma.

Quartz - Isaiah

If I brought home a rock it would ask who is in your room? I would answer nobody. Then everybody would go screaming and running.

Rocks - Aaron

There was a rock that had magic it turned into bad guy rock that turned into a pirate rock that turned into a scared rock that turned into a human rock that turned into a beautiful rock that turned into a super hero rock that turned into a citizen rock that turned into a proud rock.

Untitled ~ Ryan

Once upon a time there was a rock that could fly. One day he was told to fly one time around the world! He flew half way there when he got tiered and stopped in the desert. He thought about his name, Jimmy? Yes! So he flew the other half way. Finally landed and Jimmy was the first one to ever fly around the world.

The End

Show and Tell - William

I brought a Bakugan. I got it at Target. It is cool. His name is King Scorpion. It has a tail like a scorpion. It has spikes on its feet.

Show and Tell - Judah

This is a spaceship. It flies in space and shoots other spaceships.

The Rich And Not - Luke

The rich And not

Once upon a time there was two best friends named Sanddollar and Diamond there rich and then there was the limestone he was the purest kid in rocksling. He never got invited to anything. He’s sad and then one day he turned ten and everything changed.